Those who are going through a tense divorce, can turn to a divorce lawyer Frisco, TX turns to for some much needed guidance. You may feel worn down by your soon to be former spouse, who is just doing things to either upset you or make things harder than needed. It can be challenging to keep emotions in check, particularly if your ex is acting irrationally and even volatile. It can help to arm yourself with knowledge about the divorce process, to help protect yourself from unfair treatment.
In this article, we have listed four major ways your ex may try to throw low blows your way as you head towards divorce finalization. If your ex makes you feel threatened or unsafe in any way, notify authorities and keep your attorney updated as things unfold.
Wrongful Abuse Allegations
Your former spouse may file an abuse allegation in order to obtain sole legal custody of your children, or force you to move out of the family home. To help prevent this from happening, do not engage in any confrontational or angry conversations with your spouse through phone, email, text messaging or letters. If you receive notice that an antrue abuse allegation has been filed against you, do not react in a way that could make matters worse. Instead, contact your attorney right away for advice.
Hindering Access to Marital Assets
An angry ex spouse may seek revenge against the other by limiting access to money as a form of punishment. A trick to helping prevent this from occurring is to confirm that your name is listed on all the marital assets before officially filing for divorce. Examples of marital assets you may have acquired while together include the following:
Bank Accounts
Debit/Credit Card Accounts
Retirement Fund
Homes or Real Estate
Bonds or Stocks
Pension Plans
Vehicles or Boats
The Discovery Process
An exceptionally agitated spouse may try to slow things down by refusing to cooperate during the discovery process. Or, your ex may send piles of requests your way in attempt to exhausted you with time-consuming paperwork. An attorney who is familiar with the family court system can use strategies to help keep things moving forward.
Attempting to Dig Up Dirt
Your ex may try to sign onto your Facebook or email accounts, or even hack your phone in an attempt to dig up dirt to be used against you during the divorce. Be aware that what you post on social media could be seen by your ex somehow, even if you have your settings on private.
Thank you to our friends and contributors at Scroggins Law Group for their insight into family law and divorce.