While bringing a lawyer into your family affairs can sound uncomfortable, sometimes you need legal assistance navigating a family issue. When you need to find a top family lawyer, our friends at Winfrey Law Firm, PLLC say that people often hire attorneys to deal with divorce, prenups, child custody or visitation, adoption, and more. In addition, you may hire an attorney to ensure your legal paperwork is in order. Other times, however, you may hire a lawyer to overcome a difficult separation. We’ll explore a few factors to consider before choosing a family lawyer.
1. Interview Lawyers With Your Needs In Mind
When interviewing an attorney or law firm, be as straightforward as possible about your specific needs. These needs should go beyond “I’m getting a divorce” or “I want to retain full custody of my child.” Instead, you’ll want specific goals in mind, explaining specifically why you’re seeking an attorney’s help. Since family law covers a wide range, you’ll want to hire an attorney who has experience dealing with cases similar to yours. For example, divorces with children are far more complicated than divorces with just two spouses.
2. Gauge How Well You Can Work With An Attorney
You’ll likely need to divulge sensitive information when working with a family lawyer. For example, besides divulging finances, you may need to divulge specific details about your marriage, your current or ex-spouse, any special needs your children have, etc. For these reasons, you should be able to communicate freely with your attorney. Therefore, when interviewing an attorney, ask yourself questions like, “Do they explain things in a way that makes sense? “Can they answer any questions I have?” “Do I feel comfortable around this person?”
3. Choose An Attorney Whose Objective With You
Your attorney should always be objective with you and provide you with favorable but realistic results. For example, following an emotional time like needing to get a divorce, it’s not uncommon for spouses to feel like they should be entitled to more possessions or to feel like they should receive full custody of their children because their partner was unfaithful. However, sometimes you may need to compromise, and you should hire an attorney who isn’t afraid to explain your realistic options.
4. Choose An Attorney Who Isn’t Afraid To Fight, Either
Sometimes it makes sense to compromise, but there are some situations where you may feel like compromise is out of the question. For example, suppose a spouse is physically or emotionally abusive, has a substance abuse problem, cannot provide a suitable living environment, etc. In that case, it makes sense that you wouldn’t want them to have any child custody.
5. An Attorney Comfortable With Settlements and Litigation
Some family law cases settle outside the courtroom, while others end up in the courtroom. In many situations, it’s better to settle outside a trial, but other situations do call for a trial. Regardless, you’ll want an attorney comfortable handling both scenarios.